World Refugee Day

June 20th is World Refugee Day (see link from UNHCR). Maybe you’ve been noticing a bit more posting on Facebook or Instagram?

Seems like a fitting time for RHPNA (yeah, fun acronym isn’t it?) to start up a blog and start sharing on a more regular basis tools we are aware of that can help humanize and give voice to the forcibly displaced in our region of the world.

One of our allies is Jeannie Marie, an author based in Phoenix Arizona, who recently wrote a book called Across the Street and Around the World: Following Jesus to the Nations in Your Neighborhood...and Beyond. Her publisher is making chapter 3 available by audio today so check it out while you can!

The chapter is called Engaging International Students and Welcoming Refugees. You could be Brian, welcoming Chongan, the Dodger fan from China studying in Los Angeles. Or you could be Heidi, Genie or part of a team from your church or work, holding balloons and waving a "Welcome to My Country" sign as Jamilah and her two small children from Somalia step off the plane for the first time to their new future.

Be sure to also check out our resources for churches focused on the Sundays before and after June 20th. And if getting together with other Christians dedicated to loving and serving refugees is your thing, we’re planning a northwest regional meetup on July 20th in Portland Oregon and an annual meetup for North America in Toronto this coming October.
